Socialism vs. Capitalism at the lunch counter

Three students are waiting at the lunch counter, Steven has $20 that his mother gave him, the other two, Justin and Billie each have a toonie that their mother's gave them. Justin and Billie realize that Steven can buy a slice of pizza and a chocolate milk with his money. With their toonie Justin and Billie can only get a ham sandwich and a water. Justin and Billie decide this isn't fair and take a vote, “all in favour of Steven sharing his $20?”. The vote passes 2 to 1 and Steven is relieved of $10. Three students are waiting at the lunch counter, Steven has $20 that his mother gave him, the other two, Brad and Garry each have a toonie that their mother’s gave them. Brad and Garry realize that Steven can buy a slice of pizza and a chocolate milk. Brad and Garry can only get a ham sandwich and a water with their toonie. Brad knows Steven isn't very good at writing book reports so he asks Steven: “Steven, if I teach you how to write great book reports, would that be worth $5?” Steven replies “of course, I have two book reports this semester!” Here take $5 dollars. Garry, pipes up: “Steven, I know you could use a street hockey stick, would you buy one of mine for $5? Steven replies: “absolutely, here is five dollars, I have the best friends” Which group of friends is moral?